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刊名Tribology International


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
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2022 2023 2024

2001, vol.34, no.1 2001, vol.34, no.10 2001, vol.34, no.11 2001, vol.34, no.12 2001, vol.34, no.2 2001, vol.34, no.3
2001, vol.34, no.4 2001, vol.34, no.5 2001, vol.34, no.6 2001, vol.34, no.7 2001, vol.34, no.8 2001, vol.34, no.9

Problems and progress in the development of standards for quantifying friction at the walkway interfaceMark I. Marpet20012001, vol.34, no.9
Friction of plastic websK. G. Budinski20012001, vol.34, no.9
Effects of the structure and properties of ice and snow on the friction of aircraft tyres on movement area surfacesArmann Norheim; Nirmal K. Sinha; Thomas J. Yager20012001, vol.34, no.9
A reduced-scale brake dynamometer for friction characterizationP. G. Sanders; T. M. Dalka; R. H. Basch20012001, vol.34, no.9
Triboelectrochemical investigation of the friction and wear behaviour of TiN coatings in a neutral solutionS. Barril; S. Mishler; D. Landolt20012001, vol.34, no.9
New test method and apparatus for measuring galling resistanceScott R. Hummel20012001, vol.34, no.9
The significance and use of the friction coefficientPeter J. Blau20012001, vol.34, no.9
Prediction of the fretting fatigue resistance of various surface-modification layers on 1045 steel: the role of fretting mapsGui-Zhen Xu; Jia-Jun Liu; Zhong-Rong Zhou20012001, vol.34, no.8
Dry sliding wear behaviour of an aluminium alloy-granite particle compositeM. Singh; B. K. Prasad; D. P. Mondal; A. K. Jha20012001, vol.34, no.8
Additive influence on wear and friction performance of environmentally adapted lubricantsPatric Waara; Jesper Hannu; Thomas Norrby; Ake Byheden20012001, vol.34, no.8