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刊名Tribology International


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2006, vol.39, no.1 2006, vol.39, no.10 2006, vol.39, no.11 2006, vol.39, no.12 2006, vol.39, no.2 2006, vol.39, no.3
2006, vol.39, no.4 2006, vol.39, no.5 2006, vol.39, no.6 2006, vol.39, no.7 2006, vol.39, no.8 2006, vol.39, no.9

The homogenization process of the Reynolds equation describing compressible liquid flowA. Almqvist; J. Dasht20062006, vol.39, no.9
Insights into the chemical behavior of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate anti-wear additives in their isomeric and decomposed forms through molecular simulationNicholas J. Mosey; Tom K. Woo20062006, vol.39, no.9
Effects of CeO{sub}2 on friction and wear characteristics of Fe-Ni-Cr alloy coatingsZhenyu Zhang; Zhiping Wang; Bunv Liang; Peiqing La20062006, vol.39, no.9
Levitation of passive magnetic bearings and systemsRoberto Bassani20062006, vol.39, no.9
The effect of frequency of vibration and humidity on the coefficient of frictionMohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury; Md. Maksud Helali20062006, vol.39, no.9
Preparation and tribological properties of the carbon nanotubes-Ni-P composite coatingZ. H. Li; X. Q. Wang; M. Wang; F. F. Wang; H. L. Ge20062006, vol.39, no.9
Topography-related effects on the lubrication of nanostructured hard surfacesY. B. Gerbig; S. I.-U. Ahmed; D. G. Chetwynd; H. Haefke20062006, vol.39, no.9
Tribological properties of carbon nanotube-doped carbon/carbon compositesQian-Ming Gong; Zhi Li; Zhengyi Zhang; Bin Wu; Xiangwen Zhou; Qi-Zhong Huang; Ji Liang20062006, vol.39, no.9
Study of leakage and friction of flexible seals for steady motion via a numerical approximation methodGeorge K. Nikas; Richard S. Sayles20062006, vol.39, no.9
Simulation and experimentation on the contact width and pressure distribution of lip sealsChun-Ying Lee; Chao-Sung Lin; Rui-Quan Jian; Chih-Yung Wen20062006, vol.39, no.9