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刊名Tribology International


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2022 2023 2024

2013, vol.57 2013, vol.58 2013, vol.59 2013, vol.60 2013, vol.61 2013, vol.62
2013, vol.63 2013, vol.64 2013, vol.65 2013, vol.66 2013, vol.67 2013, vol.68

Improving tribological behaviour of piston ring-cylinder liner frictional pair by liner surface texturingWieslaw Grabon; Waldemar Koszela; Pawel Pawlus; Slawomir Ochwat20132013, vol.61
Small-scale structural and mechanical characterization of the nitrided layer in martensitic steelMasoud Asgari; Afrooz Barnoush; Roy Johnsen; Rune Hoel20132013, vol.61
Adhesion modeling in the wheel-rail contact under dry and lubricated conditions using measured 3D surfacesYi Zhu; Ulf Olofsson; Anders Soderberg20132013, vol.61
Transition from static to dynamic macroscopic friction in the framework of the Frenkel-Kontorova modelNaum I. Gershenzon; Gust Bambakidis20132013, vol.61
Evidence of lubricant slip on steel surface in EHL contactP. L. Wong; X. M. Li; F. Guo20132013, vol.61
Effects of load configuration on partial slip contact between an elastic-plastic sphere and a rigid flatXi Shi; Aizhong Wu; Changming Zhu; Shaoxing Qu20132013, vol.61
Acoustic emission monitoring and failure mechanism analysis of rolling contact fatigue for Fe-based alloy coatingLi Guo-lu; Zhang Zhi-qiang; Wang Hai-dou; Xu Bin-shi; Piao Zhong-yu; Zhu Li-na20132013, vol.61
Influence of temperature on nonlinear dynamic characteristics of spiral-grooved gas-lubricated thrust bearing-rotor systems for microengineXiao-Qing Zhang; Xiao-Li Wang; Ren Liu; Ben Wang20132013, vol.61
Characteristics of journal bearings with anisotropic slipChien-Yu Chen; Qie-Da Chen; Wang-Long Li20132013, vol.61
Friction-induced vibration of a lubricated mechanical systemJ. J. Sinou; J. Cayer-Barrioz; H. Berro20132013, vol.61