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文集名Next Generation Arithmetic
会议名3rd International Conference on Next Generation Arithmetic (CoNGA 2022)
会议日期March 1-3, 2022
会议地点Singapore, Singapore

On the Implementation of Edge Detection Algorithms with SORN ArithmeticMoritz Barthel; Nils Hulsmeier; Jochen Rust; Steffen Paul2022
A Posit8 Decompression Operator for Deep Neural Network InferenceOregane Desrentes; Diana Resmerita; Benoit Dupont de Dinechin2022
Qtorch+: Next Generation Arithmetic for Pytorch Machine LearningNhut-Minh Ho; Himeshi De Silva; John L. Gustafson; Weng-Fai Wong2022
ACTION: Automated Hardware-Software Codesign Framework for Low-precision Numerical Format SelecTION in TinyMLHamed F. Langroudi; Vedant Karia; Tej Pandit; Becky Mashaido; Dhireesha Kudithipudi2022
MultiPosits: Universal Coding of R~nPeter Lindstrom2022
Comparing Different Decodings for Posit ArithmeticRaul Murillo; David Mallasen; Alberto A. Del Barrio; Guillermo Botella2022
Universal: Reliable, Reproducible, and Energy-Efficient NumericsE. Theodore L. Omtzigt; James Quinlan2022
Small Reals Representations for Deep Learning at the Edge: A ComparisonMarco Cococcioni; Federico Rossi; Emanuele Ruffaldi; Sergio Saponara2022