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总第 30 期

【标题】Toyota Material Handling und Gideon: Kooperation fur automatisierte Logistik-Losungen

【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Andreas Muhlbauer

【摘要】 Die Nachfrage nach einfachen autonomen Losungen mit selbstnavigierenden Geraten und einer einfachen Benutzerschnittstelle wird immer grosser. Als Antwort darauf hat Toyota Material Handling Europe eine Kooperationsvereinbarung mit Gideon geschlossen. Das in Zagreb ansassige Technologieunternehmen bietet Softwarelosungen fur die Lokalisierung und Steuerung autonomer mobiler Roboter an.

【来源】 Industrial Production 2024, vol.5, no.3

【入库时间】 2024/7/29


【标题】Improved Handling of Cut Material


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Benedikt Hofmann

【摘要】 Hans Schroder Maschinenbau GmbH enables improved flexibility in handling with the patented metal sheet holder device of the MHSU motorized guillotine shears. The MHSU is equipped with versatile electronically controlled mechanics. The device can guide sheet sections either forwards into the sheet chute or backwards onto a stacking trolley. It can also remain horizontal with particularly sensitive surfaces.

【参考中译】 Hans Schroder Maschinenbau GmbH通过MHSU电动断头台剪的专利金属板夹持器装置提高了处理的灵活性。MHSU配备了多功能的电子控制机械装置。该设备可以将纸张部分向前引导到纸张滑槽中或向后引导到堆垛车上。它还可以在特别敏感的表面上保持水平。

【来源】 Automobil Industrie 2024, vol.69, no.1 Suppl.

【入库时间】 2024/7/29


【标题】Continuous extrusion of battery material with technology solutions


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 James Billington

【摘要】 To meet the growing demand of batteries, manufacturers are dependent on efficient, reliable, and flexible production processes. As a result, continuous extrusion of battery material is becoming more important as the industry moves away from traditional batch processes. Coperion supports companies in switching from batch process to continuous production of electrode slurries, as well as the manufacture of battery separator films and electrode compounds for solid state batteries. In conjunction with high accuracy Coperion K-Tron feeders, Coperion ZSK twin screw extruders boast high reliability, long operating times and numerous properties that ensure a high and reproducible end-product quality.

【参考中译】 为了满足不断增长的电池需求,制造商依赖于高效、可靠和灵活的生产工艺。因此,随着行业摆脱传统的批量工艺,电池材料的连续挤压变得更加重要。科倍隆支持公司从批量工艺转向连续生产电极浆,以及电池隔膜和固体电池电极化合物的制造。科倍隆K-Tron给料机与高精度科倍隆K-Tron给料机配合使用,科倍隆K-Tron双螺旋挤出机具有高可靠性、长操作时间和多种性能,可确保高且可重复的最终产品质量。

【来源】 Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology International 2023, no.Nov.

【入库时间】 2024/7/29


Automobil Industrie《汽车工业》
Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology International《电力车与混合型车技术》
Industrial Production《工业生产》