国家科技图书文献中心机械分馆  工信部产业技术基础公共服务平台  国家中小企业公共服务示范平台


总第 24 期

【标题】The Use of Robots in the Workplace: Conclusions from a Health Promoting Intervention Using Social Robots


【类型】 期刊

【关键词】 Human–robot interaction; Workplace intervention; Health intervention

【参考中译】 人机交互;工作场所干预;健康干预

【作者】 Lopes Sara L.; Ferreira Aristides I.; Prada Rui

【摘要】 Workplace wellness programs constitute a preventive measure to help avoid healthcare costs for companies, with additional benefits for employee productivity and other organizational outcomes. Interventions using social robots may have some advantages over other conventional telemedicine applications, since they can deliver personalized feedback and counseling. This investigation focused on a health-promoting intervention within work environments, and compared the efficacy of the intervention on two distinct groups, one guided by a human agent and the other by a robot agent. Participants (n?=?56) were recruited from two Portuguese organizations and led through eight sessions by the social agent, the goal being to encourage health behavior change and adoption of a healthier lifestyle. The results indicate that the group led by the robot agent revealed better post-intervention scores than the group led by the human agent, specifically with regard to productivity despite presenteeism and regard of their level of mental well-being. No effects were found concerning the work engagement level of participants in either group. By demonstrating the potential of using social robots to establish therapeutic and worth relationships with employees in their workplaces, this study provides interesting new findings that contribute to the literature on health behavior change and human–robot interaction.

【参考中译】 工作场所健康计划是一项预防性措施,有助于避免公司的医疗成本,并为员工生产力和其他组织成果带来额外的好处。使用社交机器人进行干预可能比其他传统的远程医疗应用程序有一些优势,因为它们可以提供个性化的反馈和咨询。这项调查的重点是工作环境中的健康促进干预,并比较了两组不同群体的干预效果,一组由人类代理引导,另一组由机器人代理引导。参与者(n?=?56)是从两个葡萄牙组织招募的,在社会代理人的带领下进行了八次会议,目的是鼓励健康行为的改变和采用更健康的生活方式。结果表明,机器人代理领导的小组在干预后表现出比人类代理领导的小组更好的分数,特别是在生产力方面,尽管他们出勤率很高,并考虑到他们的心理健康水平。两组受试者的工作投入水平均未受到影响。通过展示使用社交机器人在工作场所与员工建立治疗和有价值的关系的潜力,这项研究提供了有趣的新发现,有助于研究健康行为变化和人与机器人互动的文献。

【来源】 International Journal of Social Robotics 2023, vol.15, no.6

【入库时间】 2023/12/27


【标题】Hey Robot, Tell It to Me Straight: How Different Service Strategies Affect Human and Robot Service Outcomes


【类型】 期刊

【关键词】 Human–robot interaction; Customer service; Social strategies; Human–robot comparisons

【参考中译】 人机交互;客户服务;社交策略;人机比较

【作者】 Naito Masaharu; Rea Daniel J.; Kanda Takayuki

【摘要】 With robots already entering simple service tasks in shops, it is important to understand how robots should perform customer service to increase customer satisfaction. We investigate two methods of customer service we theorize are better suited for robots than human shopkeepers: straight communication and data-driven communication. Along with an additional, more traditional customer service style, we compare these methods of customer service performed by a robot, to a human performing the same service styles in 3 online studies with over 1300 people. We find that while traditional customer service styles are best suited for human shopkeepers, robot shopkeepers using straight or data driven customer service styles increase customer satisfaction, make customers feel more informed, and feel more natural than when a human uses them. Our work highlights the need for investigating robot-specific best practices for customer service, but also for social interaction at large, as simply duplicating typical human–human interaction may not produce the best results for a robot.

【参考中译】 随着机器人已经进入商店的简单服务任务,了解机器人应该如何执行客户服务以提高客户满意度是很重要的。我们调查了两种我们理论上更适合机器人而不是人类店主的客户服务方法:直接沟通和数据驱动的沟通。除了一种额外的、更传统的客户服务方式,我们将这些由机器人执行的客户服务方式与人类在3项在线研究中进行的1300多人相同的服务方式进行了比较。我们发现,虽然传统的客户服务方式最适合人类店主,但机器人店主使用直接或数据驱动的客户服务方式可以提高客户满意度,让客户感觉更有见识,比人类使用它们时更自然。我们的工作强调了研究特定于机器人的客户服务最佳实践的必要性,以及整个社交互动的必要性,因为简单地复制典型的人与人之间的互动可能不会对机器人产生最佳结果。

【来源】 International Journal of Social Robotics 2023, vol.15, no.6

【入库时间】 2023/12/27


【标题】Effect of Different Listening Behaviors of Social Robots on Perceived Trust in Human-robot Interactions


【类型】 期刊

【关键词】 Trust; Active listening; Empathic listening; Cognitive and affective trust; Verbal and nonverbal behavior; Human-robot interaction

【参考中译】 信任;主动倾听;移情倾听;认知和情感信任;言语和非言语行为;人机交互

【作者】 Anzabi Naeimeh; Umemuro Hiroyuki

【摘要】 With the increased use of social robots in prominence and beyond functional performance, they are expected to foster trust and confidence in people. Various factors involve providing social robots with more trustworthy behavior. This study investigated whether the listening behavior of a social robot can affect the perception of being trustworthy in human–robot interaction. Therefore, we designed four different listening behaviors, including nonactive listening, active listening, active empathic listening, and verbal-only empathic listening, for a social robot and evaluated the impact of each behavior on the participants’ likelihood of trusting the robot, using a between-subject design. Participants in the four conditions conversed with a robot that simulated one of the listening behaviors, and their general, cognitive and affective trust toward the robot was measured. The results indicated that active empathic listening behavior provided the participants with the highest impression of trustworthiness, specifically in affective trust. Both active listening and active empathic listening were evaluated higher than nonactive listening in general, affective, and cognitive trust. However, active empathic listening behavior was differentiated from active listening behavior only in terms of affective trust. For verbal and nonverbal dimensions of listening behaviors, it was confirmed that nonverbal behaviors such as nodding, body movement, and eye gaze along with verbal behaviors, had a significant effect in eliciting higher affective trust in human-robot interaction. Consequently, we concluded that designing social robots with active (empathic) listening behavior can enhance trust perception in human-robot interaction in different fields such as education, healthcare, and business.

【参考中译】 随着社交机器人越来越多地使用,并超越了功能表现,它们有望培养人们的信任和信心。各种因素都涉及为社交机器人提供更值得信赖的行为。本研究调查了社交机器人的倾听行为是否会影响人与机器人互动中的可信任感。因此,我们为社交机器人设计了四种不同的倾听行为,包括非主动倾听、主动倾听、主动移情倾听和纯言语移情倾听,并使用受试者之间的设计评估了每种行为对参与者信任机器人的可能性的影响。在四种情况下,参与者与模拟其中一种倾听行为的机器人交谈,并测量他们对机器人的总体信任、认知信任和情感信任。结果表明,积极的共情倾听行为为参与者提供了最高的可信性印象,尤其是在情感信任方面。在总体信任、情感信任和认知信任上,积极倾听和积极移情倾听的得分均高于非积极倾听。然而,主动移情倾听行为与主动倾听行为仅在情感信任方面有所区别。对于倾听行为的语言和非语言维度,证实了非语言行为,如点头、身体运动、眼睛凝视以及语言行为,在人-机器人交互中产生更高的情感信任具有显著的效果。因此,我们得出结论,设计具有主动(移情)倾听行为的社交机器人可以在教育、医疗和商业等不同领域的人与机器人交互中提高信任感。

【来源】 International Journal of Social Robotics 2023, vol.15, no.6

【入库时间】 2023/12/27


International Journal of Social Robotics《社会机器人国际杂志》