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总第 29 期

【标题】On the artificial intelligence curve


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Scott Henderson

【摘要】 Drone operators are becoming leaders of industrial AI application. Watching an idea or technology spread around the world is fascinating. Artificial Intelligence (AI) isn't new, nor is its application by the drone industry, but it is now reaching a massive, mainstream audience. According to a report by Swiss bank UBS, ChatGPT and its AI Chatbot launched at the end of 2022 have become the fastest growing consumer app in history. Two months after launch the product hit 100 million users in January.

【参考中译】 无人机运营商正在成为工业人工智能应用的领导者。观看一个想法或技术在世界各地传播是令人着迷的。人工智能(AI)并不新鲜,无人机行业也不是它的应用,但它现在正在吸引大量的主流受众。根据瑞士银行瑞银的报告,ChatGPT及其于2022年底推出的AI Chatbot已成为历史上增长最快的消费应用程序。推出两个月后,该产品于一月份达到了1亿用户。

【来源】 Wings 2023, vol.64, no.3

【入库时间】 2024/7/1


【标题】Driving Insight with LabWare Data analytics and artificial intelligence


【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Gwyneth Astles

【摘要】 LabWare Analytics: LabWare believe Advanced Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science capabilities are foundational to the laboratory of the future. LIMS should no longer just the system of record, we're using this data to develop and inform AI and ML capabilities to be delivered within the consolidated LabWare Enterprise Laboratory Platform. LabWare Analytics specialises in the application of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science to complex large data sets, letting the data drive the discussion and providing deeper insights into your data.

【参考中译】 LabWare分析:LabWare相信高级分析、人工智能、机器学习和数据科学能力是未来实验室的基础。LIMS不应该再只是记录系统,我们正在使用这些数据来开发和告知将在整合的LabWare企业实验室平台中交付的人工智能和ML功能。LabWare Analytics专注于将人工智能和数据科学应用于复杂的大型数据集,让数据推动讨论并为您的数据提供更深入的见解。

【来源】 UK & Ireland Labmate 2024, vol.49, no.2

【入库时间】 2024/7/1




【类型】 期刊

【作者】 Eva Miller

【摘要】 Ever wondered what it would be like to ask troubled genius Vincent van Gogh, 19th-century Dutch master of Post-Impressionism, about his art and life? A recent exhibition at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris let visitors do just that. Sort of The museum set up an interactive "Bonjour Vincent" terminal, working with French artificial intelligence start-up Jumbo Mana. Using 900 letters the painter wrote in the 1800s, the company trained a virtual Van Gogh so people could question the digital replica and discover the "real" artist behind the myth that surrounds him. Although the algorithm was designed to learn on its own and improve its answers as it conversed, the New York Times reports that Jumbo Mana engineers intervened to guide responses to touchy questions, like "Why did you kill yourself?"

【参考中译】 有没有想过向陷入困境的天才、19世纪荷兰后印象派大师文森特·梵高询问他的艺术和生活会是什么感觉?巴黎奥赛博物馆最近举办的一场展览让参观者做到了这一点。某种程度上博物馆与法国人工智能初创公司Jumbo Mana合作,建立了一个互动式“Bonjour Vincent”终端。该公司使用这位画家在1800年代写下的900封信,训练了一位虚拟梵高,以便人们可以质疑数字复制品,并发现围绕他的神话背后的“真正”艺术家。尽管该算法的设计目的是在对话时自行学习并改进答案,但据《纽约时报》报道,Jumbo Mana工程师进行了干预,以指导对敏感问题的回答,例如“你为什么自杀?”"

【来源】 ASEE Prism 2024, vol.33, no.3

【入库时间】 2024/7/1


ASEE Prism《美国工程教育学会杂志》
UK & Ireland Labmate《实验助手》