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刊名ABB Review


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
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2006, no.1 2006, no.2 2006, no.3 2006, no.4

Beyond the sky: An integrated solution for the world's first satellite launch unit at seaJane-Helen Pedersen; Jacqueline Rolffs20062006, no.3
The "Silver Elephant": A cavitation tunnel built to a precision of hundredths of a millimeterTadeusz Kobus; Agnieszka Gabrysiak20062006, no.3
Uncommon problems, common solutionsKaren Strong20062006, no.3
Robots with patients: Can robots really be used to enhance physiotherapy programs alongside their human counterparts?Andras Toth; Ivan Ermolaev20062006, no.3
Breathtaking - the Sherlock Holmes of gastroenterology: A breathalyzer that catches bacteria in the actWalter Fabinski; Thomas Weyrauch20062006, no.3
A wave of renewable energy: There's no such thing as bad weatherAlbert Leirbukt; Peter Tubaas20062006, no.3
Guri Dam: Modernization of the Guri hydroelectric plant's control protection and instrumentation systemEduardo Colmenares; Daniel Rubinstein; Miguel Florez20062006, no.3
The "shore" way to clean energy: A combined heat and power generating plant in Wladyslawowo, PolandAnita Romanowska20062006, no.3
The Arctic challenge: The enormous Snohvit project beyond the Arctic Circle is a challenge for ABB engineersPeter Tubaas20062006, no.3
Electrifying London: Underground cable connects substations to placate London's insatiable demand for powerStephen Trotter20062006, no.3