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刊名Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers


1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
2007 2008 2009 2010

2005, vol.219, no.G1 2005, vol.219, no.G2 2005, vol.219, no.G3 2005, vol.219, no.G4 2005, vol.219, no.G5 2005, vol.219, no.G6

Non-linear missile guidance synthesis using control Lyapunov functionsP. Gurfil20052005, vol.219, no.G2
A multi-objective control approach for the synthesis of robust digital guidance lawsN. Lechevin; C. A. Rabbath20052005, vol.219, no.G2
Effect of sliding mode observers in the homing guidance loopI. A. Shkolnikov; Y. B. Shtessel; D. P. Lianos20052005, vol.219, no.G2
Minimizing manoeuvre advantage requirements for a hit-to-kill interceptorT. L. Vincent; R. G. Cottrelr; R. W. Morgan20052005, vol.219, no.G2
Midcourse guidance law with neural networksD. Han; S. N. Balakrishnan; E. J. Ohlmeyer20052005, vol.219, no.G2
Improved estimation is a prerequisite for successful terminal guidanceJ. Shinar; V. Turetsky20052005, vol.219, no.G2
End-game guidance laws for dual-control missilesT. Shima; O. M. Golan20052005, vol.219, no.G2
Robust augmented lateral acceleration flight control design for a quasi-linear parameter-varying missileL. Bruyere; A. Tsourdos; B. A. White20052005, vol.219, no.G2