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刊名Database Programming and Design


1998 1999 2000 2001

1998, vol.1, no.1 1998, vol.1, no.2 1998, vol.11, no.1 1998, vol.11, no.10 1998, vol.11, no.2 1998, vol.11, no.3
1998, vol.11, no.4 1998, vol.11, no.5 1998, vol.11, no.6 1998, vol.11, no.9

According to date: a parable for our time the tale of Lee and BillyC. J. Date19981998, vol.11, no.10
Dispelling the mixed workload myth: conventional wisdom aside, what are the real performance implications of running DSS and OLTP applications against the same database?Jim Paulin19981998, vol.11, no.10
New beginnings: reflecting on the metamorphsis at handTerry Moriarty19981998, vol.11, no.10
Object databases and Java: new Java interfaces to OO databases can improve your development timePratik Patel19981998, vol.11, no.10
Outlook for portfolio management: unlike traditional tools, decision-support systems based on object/relational technology give portfolio managers a broad range of options for exploiting market dataYuval Lirov; Martha Ben-Michael; Phil Brin; Don Gertler19981998, vol.11, no.10
Special series on temporal database part 5: temporal support in standard SQL -- it's just a matter of time until standard SQL supports temporal and nontemporal equally wellRick Snodgrass19981998, vol.11, no.10
The next 5 years: how will database technology change during the next half decade...and what will it mean for your applications?Alan Simon19981998, vol.11, no.10
Working warehouse: some parting advice so long, farewellAlan Simon19981998, vol.11, no.10