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刊名Tribology International


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2003, vol.36, no.1 2003, vol.36, no.10 2003, vol.36, no.11 2003, vol.36, no.12 2003, vol.36, no.2 2003, vol.36, no.3
2003, vol.36, no.4-6 2003, vol.36, no.7 2003, vol.36, no.8 2003, vol.36, no.9

Graft polymerization onto inorganic nanoparticles and its effect on tribological performance improvement of polymer compositesMin Zhi Rong; Ming Qiu Zhang; Guang Shi; Qiu Long Ji; Bernd Wetzel; Klaus Friedrich20032003, vol.36, no.9
Determination of the carcinogenic potential of lubricant base oil using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometricsF. S. G. Lima; M. A. S. Araujo; L. E. P. Borges20032003, vol.36, no.9
Estimation of real contact area in a wheel-rail system by means of ultrasonic wavesMassimiliano Pau20032003, vol.36, no.9
Derivation of dynamic couple-stress Reynold's equation of sliding-squeezing surfaces and numerical solution of plane inclined slider bearingsJ. -R. Lin; R. -F. Lu; T. -B. Chang20032003, vol.36, no.9
Simulation and analysis of vibration signals generated by rolling element bearing with defectsZeki Kiral; Hira Karagulle20032003, vol.36, no.9
Coating thickness effect on initial wear of nitrogen-doped amorphous carbon in nano-scale sliding contact - Part II: theoretical modelingDong F. Wang; N. Hu; Koji Kato20032003, vol.36, no.9
Coating thickness effects on initial wear of nitrogen-doped amorphous carbon in nano-scale sliding contact - Part I: in situ examinationDong F. Wang; Koji Kato20032003, vol.36, no.9
The high pressure rheology of polymer-oil solutionsS. Bair; F. Qureshi20032003, vol.36, no.8
Stability of multilobe hybrid bearing with short sills - Part IIM. K. Ghosh; M. R. Satish20032003, vol.36, no.8
Rotordynamic characteristics of multilobe hybrid bearing with short sills - Part IM. K. Ghosh; M. R. Satish20032003, vol.36, no.8