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刊名Tribology International


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2021, vol.153 2021, vol.154 2021, vol.155 2021, vol.156 2021, vol.157 2021, vol.158
2021, vol.159 2021, vol.160 2021, vol.161 2021, vol.162 2021, vol.163 2021, vol.164

Origin of lognormal distribution of wear coefficient valuesCappella, Brunero; Reichelt, Manuel20212021, vol.164
Investigation of the tribological properties of Ti-TiN-(Ti,Al,Nb,Zr)N composite coating and its efficiency in increasing wear resistance of metal cutting toolsGrigoriev, Sergey; Vereschaka, Alexey; Milovich, Filipp; Migranov, Mars; Andreev, Nikolay; Bublikov, Jury; Sitnikov, Nikolay; Oganyan, Gaik20212021, vol.164
Behavior and interaction of boundary lubricating additives on steel and DLC-coated steel surfacesCyriac, Febin; Yi, Tee Xin; Poornachary, Sendhil Kumar; Chow, Pui Shan20212021, vol.164
A revised contact stiffness model of rough curved surfaces based on the length scaleYu, Xin; Sun, Yunyun; Zhao, Deng; Wu, Shijing20212021, vol.164
A model for the dynamic friction behaviour of rubber-like materialsShao, Rilian; Wahle, Martin; Zimmermann, Markus20212021, vol.164
Fretting crevice corrosion of 316 L stainless steel in physiological phosphate buffered saline: Load, potential and alloy counterface effectsMali, Sachin A.; Zhu, Dongkai; Liu, Yangping; Gilbert, Jeremy L.20212021, vol.164
Tribological performance and wear mechanisms of a high-temperature wear-resistant Al-Si/SiAlON compositeTan, Hui; Sun, Qichun; Chen, Wenyuan; Zhu, Shengyu; Cheng, Jun; Yang, Jun20212021, vol.164
Friction maps and wear maps of Ag/MoS2/WS2 nanocomposite with different sliding speed and normal forceZhang, Xin; Zhang, Ke; Kang, Xiao; Zhang, Lei20212021, vol.164
Oil property sensing array based on a general regression neural networkJiao, Dian; Urban, Aaron; Zhu, Xiaoliang; Zhe, Jiang20212021, vol.164
Wear resistance and tribological properties of GNPs and MWCNT reinforced AlSi18CuNiMg alloys produced by stir castingTuran, Muhammet Emre; Aydin, Fatih; Sun, Yavuz; Zengin, Huseyin; Akinay, Yuksel20212021, vol.164