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刊名Tribology International


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2010, vol.43, no.1/2 2010, vol.43, no.10 2010, vol.43, no.11 2010, vol.43, no.12 2010, vol.43, no.3 2010, vol.43, no.4
2010, vol.43, no.5/6 2010, vol.43, no.7 2010, vol.43, no.8 2010, vol.43, no.9

Lubricating properties of TR Gel-lube - Influence of chemical structure and content of gel agentKazutoshi Takahashi; Yuji Shitara; Takashi Kaimai; Aoi Kanno; Shigeyuki Mori20102010, vol.43, no.9
Characterisation of friction properties between a laminated carbon fibres reinforced polymer and a monocrystalline diamond under dry or lubricated conditionsAlexandre Mondelin; Benoit Furet; Joel Rech20102010, vol.43, no.9
Preparation and tribological properties of tungsten disulfide hollow spheres assisted by methyltrioctylammonium chlorideWu Jifen; Zhai Wensheng; Jie Guifen20102010, vol.43, no.9
Multi-objective optimization of air bearings using hypercube-dividing methodNenzi Wang; Kuo-Chiang Cha20102010, vol.43, no.9
Tribocatalytic oxidation of ethylene in the rubbing of palladium against aluminum oxideK. Hiratsuka; T. Abe; C. Kajdas20102010, vol.43, no.9
Experimental investigation of friction in entrapped elastohydrodynamic contactsAdam Young; Scott Bair20102010, vol.43, no.9
Dynamic rupture at a frictional interface between dissimilar materials with asperitiesM. Di Bartolomeo; A. Meziane; F. Massi; L. Baillet; A. Fregolent20102010, vol.43, no.9
The effect of real gas on the properties of Herringbone Grooved Journal BearingsJ. Schiffmann; D. Favrat20102010, vol.43, no.9
Stability of tri-taper journal bearings under dynamic load using a non-linear transient methodD. S. Rao; B. S. Shenoy; R. S. Pai; R. Pai20102010, vol.43, no.9
Stresses in hard coating due to a rigid spherical indenter on a layered elastic half-spaceRoman Kulchytsky-Zhyhailo; Gabriel Rogowski20102010, vol.43, no.9