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刊名Tribology International


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2013, vol.57 2013, vol.58 2013, vol.59 2013, vol.60 2013, vol.61 2013, vol.62
2013, vol.63 2013, vol.64 2013, vol.65 2013, vol.66 2013, vol.67 2013, vol.68

Sliding wear of CrN, AlCrN and AlTiN coated AISI H13 hot work tool steels in aluminium extrusionYucel Birol20132013, vol.57
Influence of counterbody material on fretting wear behaviour of surface mechanical attrition treated Ti-6Al-4VS. Anand Kumar; S. Ganesh Sundara Raman; T. S. N. Sankara Narayanan; R. Gnanamoorthy20132013, vol.57
3D FE modelling of contact pressure response in cold rotary forgingXinghui Han; Lin Hua20132013, vol.57
Tribological properties of N~+ ion implanted ultrananocrystalline diamond filmsKalpataru Panda; N. Kumar; B. K. Panigrahi; S. R. Polaki; B. Sundaravel; S. Dash; A. K. Tyagi; I-Nan Lin20132013, vol.57
A micro-model for elasto-plastic adhesive-contact in micro-switches: Application to cyclic loadingL. Wu; J. C. Golinval; L. Noels20132013, vol.57
Use of nanoindentation and nanoscratch experiments to reveal the mechanical behavior of sol-gel prepared nanocomposite films on polycarbonateH. Yahyaei; M. Mohseni20132013, vol.57
Approximate closed-form solution of the synovial fluid film force in the human ankle joint with non-Newtonian lubricantRuggiero Alessandro; Gomez Emilio; D'Amato Roberto20132013, vol.57
Impact of material permeability on friction and wear Properties under the interference of DC steady magnetic fieldYonghui Wei; Yongzhen Zhang; Yue Chen; Sanming Du20132013, vol.57
CrCN/CrN + ta-C multilayer coating for applications in wood processingA. Gilewicz; B. Warcholinski; W. Szymanski; W. Grimm20132013, vol.57
Friction characteristics of microtextured surfaces under mixed and hydrodynamic lubricationAshwin Ramesh; Wasim Akram; Surya P. Mishra; Andrew H. Cannon; Andreas A. Polycarpou; William P. King20132013, vol.57