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刊名Tribology International


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2022 2023 2024

2013, vol.57 2013, vol.58 2013, vol.59 2013, vol.60 2013, vol.61 2013, vol.62
2013, vol.63 2013, vol.64 2013, vol.65 2013, vol.66 2013, vol.67 2013, vol.68

Fretting corrosion damage of total hip prosthesis: Friction coefficient and damage rate constant approachKyungmok Kim; Jean Geringer; Julie Pellier; Digby D. Macdonald20132013, vol.60
Influence of work material proof stress and tool steel microstructure on galling initiation and critical contact pressurePatrik Karlsson; Pavel Krakhmalev; Anders Gaard; Jens Bergstrom20132013, vol.60
Paraffinic mineral oil lubrication for cold forward extrusion: Effect of lubricant quantity and frictionS. M. Hafis; M. J. M. Ridzuan; R. N. Farahana; Amran Ayob; S. Syahrullail20132013, vol.60
A corrected displacement solution to linearly varying surface pressure over a triangular region on the elastic half-spaceS. Boedo20132013, vol.60
A method for the characterization of static elastomeric lip seal deformationA. Tasora; E. Prati; T. Marin20132013, vol.60
Tribological properties of nanostructured DLC coatings deposited by C_(60) ion beamOleksiy V. Penkov; Volodymyr E. Pukha; Evgeniy N. Zubarev; Shin-Sung Yoo; Dae-Eun Kim20132013, vol.60
Pin-on-disc study of the effects of railway friction modifiers on airborne wear particles from wheel-rail contactsSaeed Abbasi; Ulf Olofsson; Yi Zhu; Ulf Sellgren20132013, vol.60
Dry sliding friction and wear properties of metallic glass coating and martensite stainless coatingJ. B. Cheng; X. B. Liang; Z. H. Wang; B. S. Xu20132013, vol.60
Tribological properties of graphite-like carbon coatings coupling with different metals in ambient air and waterYongxin Wang; Liping Wang; Jinlong Li; Jianmin Chen; Qunji Xue20132013, vol.60
Effect of geometric imperfections of journal on the performance of micropolar lubricated 4-pocket hybrid journal bearingSatish C. Sharma; Arvind K. Rajput20132013, vol.60